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  • 株式の過半数がタイ人により保有されていること{求職者が国外で就労する場合(アウトバウンドの場合)、タイ人資本は3/4を下回ってはなりません。}

  • 少なくとも1名の取締役がタイ人で、かつタイ人対外国人取締役数の比率が1:1を下回らない事

  • 10万バーツの保証金を納めること(アウトバウンドの場合、50万バーツ)

  • 事業所が16平米以上あること

  • 会社名の頭は、「雇用会社。。。」(“…Employment Company”)で始まること




  • ライセンスの申請に必要な情報、及び文書類に関する相談業務

  • ライセンス申請書の記入(クライアント様から多くの情報を頂く必要がございます)

  • ライセンス申請書、及び関係書類の、当局への提出(申請代行業務)

  • 労働局との連絡、及びコミュニケーション

  • 担当官とのミーティング等への同伴

  • 担当官との積極的なフォローアップ

  • 担当官が要求する追加情報等の整理、及び提出

  • ライセンスの受領

  • ライセンスの内容のタイ語→英語訳

  • 上記の遂行に必要なメール交換を含む連絡業務





A recruitment license is required to operate a business that involves either domestic or outbound recruitment of labor in Thailand. 


The requirements for a domestic recruitment business license are as follows:


51% or more Thai ownership.

Minimum of 1 Thai company director with no less than a ratio of 1 Thai director to every 1 foreign director.

100,000 Baht security deposit.

Ministry of Labor application fee of 5,000 Baht.

Business premises must be 16 square meters or more.

Must include the words "recruitment business" in the company name.

The requirements for an outbound recruitment business license are as follows:


75% or more Thai ownership.

Minimum of 1,000,000 Baht registered capital.

Minimum of 1 Thai company director with no less than a ratio of 3 Thai directors to every 1 foreign director.

5,000,000 Baht security deposit.

Ministry of Labor application fee of 10,000 Baht.

Business premises must be 16 square meters or more.

Must include the words "recruitment business" in the company name.

A recruitment license application is submitted to the Ministry of Labor office where the recruitment business is located. 


After submission of the application, the Ministry of Labor office will send out an officer to inspect the recruitment business premises. 


The total process can take up to 1 month or more to complete.


Our recruitment license application service includes the following:


  • Advise client on all required information and documents to apply for a recruitment license.

  • Prepare a recruitment license application with the assistance of the client.

  • Filing the application with the Ministry of Labor.

  • Assist in communicating with the Ministry of Labor.

  • Accompanying the representatives of the client in meetings with the Ministry of Labor if necessary.

  • Follow up the application with the Ministry of Labor.

  • Submit any additional information or documents required by the Ministry of Labor with the assistance of the client.

  • Receive the recruitment license.

  • Provide an English translation of the recruitment license.

  • Correspondence by email, telephone and in person meetings when necessary.


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