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Export Company






  • 株主構成、株主間契約、ビザ・ワークパーミット、税務申告、会計監査、記帳代行、及び企業コンプライアンスに関する相談業務

  • 商務省事業開発局における会社の設立登記代行業務

  • 主要の法人関連文書類(登記簿等)のタイ語→英語への翻訳

  • 法人税納税者番号の取得

  • 記帳代行業者および会計監査人との業務契約のコーディネーション

  • 商務省及び税務当局等が求める基本的な法令準拠(コンプライアンス)項目の要約の作成

  • 上記業務の遂行に必要とする連絡業務、及びミーティングへの参加・開催

Export Company

A Thai majority owned company limited is the most common form of doing business in Thailand, but requires that the company have a Thai majority shareholder and Thai director.   However, this does not apply to foreign owned businesses engaged exclusively in the export trading business.  Thailand export trading businesses can be 100% foreign owned. 


Export trading business is the buying and selling of goods either purchased inside of Thailand or outside of Thailand for sale to customers located exclusively outside of Thailand.  There cannot be any domestic sales to customers inside of Thailand. 


Our Thailand export company registration service includes the following:


Consulting on shareholder & transactions structure, visa & work permit, tax returns, accounting retention, statutory audit & corporate compliance.

Register company with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC).

Translate company registration papers from Thai to English.

Obtain corporate income tax ID number.

Provide contacts for a Thailand accountant and auditor service.

Provide written summary of basic compliance requirements in Thailand.

Correspondence by email, telephone and in person meetings when necessary.

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